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[E] ToxicRaiv
[E] ToxicRaiv
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Even if I did miss the sign. In the end, my main point is why would you allow griefing but not PVP? It sucks to have to just sit and watch as your house is destroyed. And I can't type to him to tell him to stop. I had to put signs down everywhere begging him to stop breaking stuff.
over 13 years ago
I did read all the signs when I first joined. Whether new signs have been added since then or not I do not know but when I first joined I did not see anything about that. I always read all the signs because I don't want to have to deal with griefers.
over 13 years ago
On a side note: after he realized how upset we were he said he would help rebuild and he gave us a few things. A diamond block and a enchanted sword. So he was a cool guy in the end. But he was't really the problem that I was complaining about here.
over 13 years ago
I loved this server. I spent hours, in the guest world, building a home with my friend and we even sent an application to join and voted for this server. A person came into our home and destroyed and pillaged our stuff. We posted a report. The reply we got, "Griefing is allowed in guestworld". Well, it would have been nice if that had been told to me originally. I wouldn't have bothered joining this server had I known that. Also, why make it so that you can grief but not allow PVP. That my friends, is stupid. I had to sit and watch as this person destroyed hours and hours of work and I couldn't stop him at all. I guess this means it's time for a new server? I really liked this server but the reason I liked it is because I didn't have to worry about griefing. I don't really want to leave either but I am not going to deal with griefers. Sincerely, ToxicRaiv P.S. Sorry if this is in the wrong area. I wasn't sure where to put it. Incase you wanted to know what was done. Here are some screenshots.
over 13 years ago